Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Idaho Hunting accidents

IDAHO - The Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office reported two unrelated, unintentional shootings from last weekend.
Harry Jose, a 62-year-old from Pennsylvania, shot himself in the foot with his .30-06 hunting rifle, said Undersheriff Rod Plank in a media release. It happened Friday in the Prichard/Murray area while he was unloading his rifle around mid-day after he returned to his vehicle from a morning hunt.
Post Falls resident Travis Armstrong, 19, sustained a wound to the leg and buttock area Saturday, the release states. Details on this case are unavailable and the incident remains under investigation.

The sheriff’s office would like to remind everyone who hunts with or shoots firearms to obey four basic firearms safety rules:
1. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction
3. Be certain of your target and what’s beyond it
4. Keep your finer outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

In addition to these two incidents, the sheriff’s office has received several reports of lost and overdue hunters. The individuals in these incidents have all been located, but you can help reduce the unnecessary expenditure time and money by Search and Rescue personnel if you plan ahead. Make sure someone at home knows where you’re going, what you’re driving and when you plan to return. If you change plans, do your best to notify those that may be concerned about your safety, or if that’s not possible, try to inform other hunters in the area of your next destination.

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